Online Publications
The bilingual online publication Documents (Dari/English) includes text contributions of the speakers, further texts by and interviews with specialists from Afghanistan, Iran and Germany, as well as video clips of selected talks which were held at the SECOND TAKE film festival in Kabul in spring 2008. As a documentation of the overall SPLICE IN project, it reflects on the individual projects, brings together different content-related threads and perspectives, and reveals the different responses to the festival. An article by the Afghan film critic Ali Mohammed Karimi, for example, is supplemented by a text of the Berlin-based film critic Bert Rebhandl. In addition to texts and videos on the theme of "Film and Gender", content-related emphasis is placed on "Gender and Activism". Here, light is shed on the conditions of gender-specific work between international relief funds and local political activism in Afghanistan. The filmmaker and women's rights activist Deepa Dhanraj analyses the appropriation of feminist concepts by religious fundamentalists and neoliberal economic reforms in India. The women's rights activist Sharifa Khanam, also from India, presents her long-time work in the network of Muslim women, Tamil Nadu, which focuses on giving legal advice to women and intervening in the hierarchical and misogynous system of the male Muslim Federation. In her contribution, New Feminist voices in Islam, the filmmaker and sociologist Ziba Mir-Hosseini is concerned with the political work of Muslim feminists, who must first free themselves from the two-fold accusation of being colonialist and antinationalistic.