Mobile Cinema


“Kabulistan” is the ironic name given to the sphere of influence of the president of Afghanistan, which is largely limited to the capital, Kabul.

The exhibition Kabulistan brings together local and international perspectives on the social situation in Afghanistan using films, photographs and lectures. Excerpts from the film Passing the Rainbow by Elfe Brandenburger and Sandra Schäfer address the work of actresses and methods of subverting the rigid gender norms prevailing in Afghan society. Photographs from the series Urban settings and other kinds too show urban everyday life in Kabul. The Mobile Cinema presents a selection of films made in Afghanistan and on the Iranian border between 1985 and 2005.

A presentation of the newly published metroZones book Kabul/Teheran 1979ff - Filmlandschaften, Städte unter Stress und Migration (Kabul/Teheran, 1979 and After - Film Landscapes, Cities under Stress and Migration), edited by Sandra Schäfer, Jochen Becker and Madeleine Bernstorff) will take us back to the year 1979, a key date for political transformations in the region.

For some initial texts in English, go to:






Exhibition opening, 10 November at 8 p.m.
The exhibition continues until 9 December 2006

10 November 2006

  • Opening and introduction to the project Kabulistan
  • Introduction to the Mobile Cinema
  • Work-in-progress presentation of the documentary film 'Passing the Rainbow'
    on actresses and methods for subverting the rigid gender norms of Afghan society
    by Elfe Brandenburger and Sandra Schäfer

11 November 2006

  • Presentation of the book Kabul/ Teheran 1979ff - Filmlandschaften, Städte unter Stress und Migration by Jochen Becker and Sandra Schäfer
  • Introduction and screening of the two films Afghanistan 1362 - Erinnerungen an eine Reise (Afghanistan 1362 - Memoirs of a Journey) by Volker Koepp and Ein Traum von Kabul (A Dream of Kabul) by Dieter Matzka and Wilma Kiener.

Liquidación Total
San Vicente Ferrer 23, local 3 E
28004 Madrid

Kabul/Teheran 1979ff funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.
Kabulistan with support of the Goethe Institute Madrid.

© 2018 mazefilm - Sandra Schäfer